How To Build A Snail Farm At Your Backyard: Complete Guide 

How to build a snail farm: Complete Guide 

Step by step guide on how to build a snail farm at home

A lot of people have neglected this oil well that’s been discovered by few elite which is called snail farming.

Snail farming is a very lucrative business especially in this part of the world Nigeria and Africa at large.

One good thing with this business is that, it can be done with any things and with anyone be it as it may.

So guy, have you been looking for how to build a snail farm at home without encountering mortality…?

Step by step guide on how to build a snail farm at homeStep by step guide on how to build a snail farm at home and makes more money
Snail green house construction picture credit: Nairaland Forum Gallery

Introduction: How to Build a Successful Snail Farm

With felicitation we welcome you to our comprehensive guide on building a successful snail farm in Nigeria!

Snail farming in Nigerian’s backyards, also known as heliciculture, is one of the 17 profitable venture gaining traction worldwide due to its low startup costs and high demand for snail products in various industries especially eatery and international bodies.

However, whether you’re a novice entrepreneur or a seasoned farmer looking to diversify into Agriculture commercially stay tuned.

Because this guide will walk you through the essential steps to establish and manage your own snail farm efficiently in Nigeria.

Here is the step by step guide on how to start a snail farming in Nigerian’s backyards.

1. Understanding the Basics of Snail Farming:

Snail farming in Nigerian’s backyards involves the controlled rearing of snails for commercial purposes.

However, it’s a lucrative venture due to the increasing demand for snail products in the food sectors accross the globe.

Not just for food industries but also in high demands for cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries globally.

Therefore, understanding the basics of snail farming, including the types of snails suitable for farming and market demand analysis, is crucial for success at the long run.

2. Planning Your Snail Farm From Scratch:

Beyond the understanding of basic snail farming, proper planning is essential for the success of any farming venture in Nigeria.

As well, snail farming is no exception, so you need to plan it out before you start going into production.

Start by selecting an ideal location with suitable climate conditions and access to markets.

Futhermore, take out time and design a farm layout that includes shelters, pens, fencing, and drainage systems.

Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements in Nigeria and obtain necessary permits and licenses to operate.

3. Procuring Snail Stock:

This is really where growth and revenue banks, so sourcing high-quality snail stock is the foundation of a successful snail farm.

Purchase snail eggs or juveniles from reputable suppliers within your locality, ensuring they are disease-free and healthy.

Once arrived, quarantine new stock to prevent the introduction of diseases and pests into your farm.

Then, carefully select snail species that are well-suited to your farm’s environmental conditions and objectives.

4. Creating Ideal Conditions for Snails That’s Free From Water Log:

Beyond procuring quality snail stock, providing optimal housing conditions is essential for the health and productivity of your snails.

Maintain appropriate levels of humidity, temperature, and ventilation in snail shelters not being exposed to direct sun or water log.

Choose suitable substrates with the right soil type, pH levels that’s not acidic, and organic matter content.

Finally, ensure snails have access to clean water and a balanced diet to support their growth and development.

5. Managing Snail Health and Nutrition:

Preventing diseases and ensuring proper nutrition are critical aspects of snail farm management.

Implement regular health checks and hygiene practices to prevent common diseases and parasites.

Supplement snails’ diet with calcium, protein, and vitamins to promote healthy growth.

Also, monitor snails closely for signs of stress or illness and take prompt action if necessary.

6. Breeding and Reproduction:

Understanding snail reproductive biology is essential for successful breeding.

Create conducive environments for mating and egg-laying, and monitor breeding cycles closely.

Implement proper incubation and hatching procedures to maximize hatch rates and ensure the health of newborn snails.

7. Harvesting and Processing:

Harvesting snails requires careful planning and consideration of post-harvest handling practices.

Choose appropriate harvesting techniques, such as manual picking or mechanical methods, depending on your farm’s scale and resources.

Clean and sort harvested snails to remove debris and unwanted materials.

Explore various processing options, including live sales, canned products, or value-added snail derivatives, to maximize profitability.

Snail farming is one of the 17 profitable business gaining side traction globally.

Why not give it a try

8. Marketing and Sales Strategies:

Effective marketing and sales strategies are essential for reaching target markets and maximizing revenue.

Identify potential buyers, such as restaurants, gourmet stores, and cosmetic companies, and develop a compelling brand identity to differentiate your products.

Invest in quality branding and packaging to attract customers and consider forming partnerships with distributors or retailers to expand your market reach.

Is bitter leaf good for snails without pawpaw and watermelon?
Snail farming open space picture credit to: S&T snail production

Conclusion: How To Build A Snail Farm At Your Backyard In Nigeria

Congratulations on completing our guide on how to build a successful snail farm!

By understanding the basics of snail farming, planning your farm effectively, and implementing best practices in snail management.

You’re well-positioned to thrive in this rewarding agricultural venture.

Remember to stay patient, persistent, and adaptable as you navigate the challenges and opportunities of snail farming.

Hope you are able to learn that you need on how to build a snail farm?

If you need clarity on how to start small or how to sell your snail, just contact us to put you through.

Happy farming!

Thanks for making your research on how to build a snail farm in Nigeria through smart banking guides.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs): How to build a snail farm in Nigeria

Here are the top asked questions on how to start and raise snail farm in Nigeria

What food do snails feed on to grow faster?

What do Snails eat to stay healthy?

In Nigeria, Small eats a lots of things especially as they dwell in green spaces.

Basically, they feed on vegetables, fresh leaves, stems, and bark especially during the raining season.

Not just that they also feeds on crops, like mushrooms, berries, watermelon and lettuce to grow faster.

However, when it comes to searching for food to eat, terrestrial or land snails are not picky at all.

This is because it is often the young terrestrial snails that do the most feeding, searching for Greener pastures.

Aquatic snails feed on plant life, too and most times taste different and size are also evident of nutritional content.

What makes snails grow faster Pawpaw leaves and watermelon?

Terrestrial Snails need a lot of carbohydrates for energy, and protein for growth and development.

But for them to grow faster without pawpaw leafs and watermelon, they also require calcium (Ca) for their shells rigidity.

As well as other notable vitamins and minerals for their daily nutrition and survival.

Terrestrial Snail meat especially in Nigeria is low in crude fibre and fat;

Therefore, for this single reason, these components are of minor importance in snail feed even on pawpaw and watermelon alone.

How many months does it take for a snail to mature to Jombo size?

Snails growth depends on the species and nutrients given to them however, it take an average of 15 months to two years to reach full maturity (Jombo size).

If you want to know whether or not the snail is mature and have attained the Jombo size, inspect the brim of the shell and feel the weight.

Terrestrial Snails in Nigeria with a hard and thick shell are mature and are ideal for market and food.

For you to run a profitable farm in Nigeria, ensure you harvest your snails only when they are mature (Jombo size).

Is snail farming profitable in Nigeria?

Yes, Snail farming is very profitable in Nigeria and a lot of people doesn’t know know this.

You can basically start with small capital, and grow from there at your own pace seamlessly.

However, research has shown that terrestrial snail farming in the area was carried out on small-scale with many farmers producing for home consumption or as a hobby and the results from the study was amazing.

Nevertheless, snail farming is highly profitable especially when you do it in an open space for commercial use.

Therefore, we encourage a lot of young people to go into Snail farming be it as it may because it’s very lucrative.

How much will it cost to start a snail farm in Nigeria ?

It won’t cause you much to start terrestrial Snails farming, the capital for snail farming is not too much at all.

However, one could start with as small as N10,000 on a small scale and grow from there to millions of investment.

Like any small cottage production, small scale snail farming in Nigeria is carried out in one’s backyard or open space.

It doesn’t involve a very large space like other farm or household animal farming for commercial uses.

Snails hardly falls sick and could eat leftover foods from your kitchen to survive unlike other animals.

What type of snail is best to farm in Nigeria and how can one start?

Which snail is best for farming and what’s the way forward in investing In Snail Farming, Marketing and networks.

The type of snail that’s best to farming in Nigeria is the Achatina Achatina.

And you can basically start to raise them from your backyard space.

Yes, the most recommended type of snail for one to go into are the Giant African Land Snails (GALS).

Note: these particular snails comes in three major species, namely;

Achatina Achatina,

Achatina Fulica and

Archachatina Marginata.

Snail farming in Nigeria with any of this type of species are made simple!

But, rearing Achatina Achatina kind of snail is the most easiest and people go into it very well.

Achatina Achatina kind of snail can grow up to 22cm long, and live up to 10 years and above seamlessly.

However, among the three species given to you above, Achatina Achatina is the most desirable for farmers in Nigeria.

This is as a result of it growing so big to become the biggest snail species in the world and not just Nigeria.

In fact, Achatina Achaina has its origin in Nigeria (From the mangrove region), hence it is indigenous to Nigeria.

It’s also has high yield capacity unlike other species you can see any where.

What are the problems with snail farming in Nigeria?

There’s no business without up and down, of which Snail farming is not exceptional!

Therefore, terrestrial Snail farming in Nigeria is constraint by many factors amongst which are seen as follows.

– Slow rate of growth,

– Theft,

– Pests and disease attack,

– Lack of management skill,

– High rate of mortality and

– Lack of funds or capital.

These are majorly the problems faced by snail farming in Nigeria…

What are the disadvantages of snail farming in Nigeria?

Beyond the problem encounter by this elite farmers there are still lots of advantages, and without expensive artificial means of climate control, terrestrial snail farming in Nigeria is restricted to the humid tropical forest zone.

Which usually provides a constant temperature, preferably no dry season, (high relative humidity) and a fairly constant day/night rhythm annually.

Can snails eat Garri from my kitchen?

Yes, snails eats Garri very well but raw ones and the cooked ones

We normally mix garri, the peanuts skin powder, egg shell powder or Snail shell too into a mixture for our snails.

We will also add a little water to make the mixture soft and easy to eat by the snails when Garri is not available.

In short, they love it more than anything else.

So, If it was something they do not like, they all move away and allows it to spoil, why the search for alternatives.

But this time they are just eating the mixture (formula until it’s finished).

Is bitter leaf good for snails without pawpaw and watermelon?

Yes, bitter leafs serves as organic treatment for them hence it keeps them healthy with string shells.

However, for terrestrial snails farmers in Nigeria (South Regions) to achieve maximum productivity and outcomes.

The Telfairia occidentalis and Carica papaya leaf’s, mixture of flutted pumpkins are ideal in their day to day feeding.

While bitter leaf can successfully serve as an alternative to the other leaves when the aren’t available or when treatment calls.

Are pawpaw leaves good for snails more than water leaves?

Yes, pawpaw leaves are very good for snails more than water leaves or it likes.

However, from our studies in the farm, the snails were fed with these diets ad libitum for twelve weeks.

The research outcomes of an experiment indicate that snails fed with Pawpaw fruits that’s ripe recorded the highest weight gain (32.2 g).

Also, followed by our lab research snails fed with water leaves and chicken mash recorded an average weight close to (30. 6g).

While those fed old pawpaw leaves had the least weight gain (11.8 g) making raw fresh pawpaw ideal for snails.

Are cassava peels good for snails order than yam peels?

All are carbohydrates which is needed by the snails as much as the need proteins too to grow.

For instance, snails like the smell of cassava peels and love eating them just the way the feed on pawpaw leaves.

In fact, people basically don’t have use for their pawpaw leaves or cassava peels so they just throw them away (can you imagine! Is there any where people throw away such things now?.

Nevertheless, the goal of throwing those things out is to attract snails away from the vegetable plants using pawpaw leaves or cassava peels as well as yam peels.

But bear in mind that snails loves cassava peels more than the yam peels.

Can snails eat okra ?

Yes, Snails eat okra very well just the way they do eat other vegetables.

Edible leaves you can give your terrestrial snails are carrots, raw pawpaw leaves, Cucumber, Cocoyam leaves, Lettuce, Potato leaves, Moringa leaves, Okra Leaves, Watermelon etc.

You can also give them vegetables such as Flutted pumpkins, cabbages, Jute, lettuce, and Butter leaves etc.

How to build a snail farm

How do you start a snail farm in Nigeria: Step-by-step guide?

Key point: On Snail farming

How To Make A Huge Money Starting A Snail Farming Business In Nigeria From Your Backyard

Here are the basic guides you need to follow to start a profitable terrestrial snail farming business in Nigeria at your backyard or else where.

Step 1 – Decide which species of snail to farm knowing that not all snail can mature to Jombo size.

Step 2 – Set-up your farmland for housing the snails in a moist and water logged free area.

Step 3 – Purchase your snails, quarantine them before introducing them into the snail house.

Step 4 – Feeding and rearing of the snails with fresh veggies and house household remains is very vital.

Step 5 – Harvesting and selling of the snails when due is key (Average person needs the market to makes is profit).

Note: before harvesting ensure you have up to 2 or 3 generations of your snail to maintain the snails continuity and productivity.

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